Nini's Shower Party on 3rd FebAlthough 7th Feb is her actual full mth, we have decided to celebrate it on the 3rd Feb.
My parents stay overnite to help us out. Mum woke up at abt 7am plus to prepare the red eggs. Wen i woke up at ard 9am plus.. my dad and bro already start to decorate the corridors.
Finally i can have my bath with tap water. keke... The feeling was great!
11am plus, i started to receive smses from my frens tat they cant make it to Gwen's party.. kinda disappointed. The party starts at 1pm, at ard 2pm, all the guests started to roll in.
Everything ended at about 6 plus.. below are some of the pics I've taken..
The decors done by my dad and bro.

Buffet from Mum's Kitchen.

The po po and gong gong
One Family!

My Colleuges, Thanks for coming!

Anna auntie and Steven uncle! keke

Thank you aunties and uncles for the gifts!

Best fren: Although im really dissapointed and sad that you din come, but thanks for that princess balloon.. i love it alot.