Shaving her head16 Feb 08, Nini is 40 days old. We decided to shave her head on this day becos her actual full mth falls on the 7 Jan 08 (Chinese New Year), and the shop does not open on tat day.
We brought her to the Hua Xia Tai Mao Bi shop in Novena Square, intend to use her hair to make a brush for her as a souvenir. Initially, hubby and I had an argument over shaving her head. He wans to shave her when she reach her 4th mth. But my mum insist we do it faster.. so that her hair will grow out faster. By the time when she is 4 mths old, her hair will be quite long ler. I find it logical. So I insist to shave her now too. Actually my mum is very pang dang about her hair, she say the hair (tai mao) is dirty hair becos it comes from inside the stomach.. I find it abit stupid and irritated by this also. But since sooner or later will have to shave, rather shave now than later. It was a lady who shave Nini’s hair, when she start her first cut, it was like a pierce in my heart, I nearly drop tears, quickly concentrate on other things. =,(
The lady commented tat Nini’s hair can make 20 tai mao bi.. hahaha.. We took quite a long time to choose her mao bi. Finally settle with the one with a phoenix carving on it, our name and Nini’s name and date of birth will also be carve on it too. The total cost of the tai mao bi and box cost $413 (Just nice, it was Nini’s lucky number)
Her long hair
Before shaving....
The first shave
Shaving in progress...
My Botak Nini
8th Febuary 2008
She’s 1mth old.
8th Feb 08, Nini turned 1 mth old, also the 2nd day of CNY.
Its all about visiting. We went around to hubby’s relatives’ home to bai nian.
Somehow I feel abit guilty, Nini is still small and we actually bring her out for so long. I wonder if she feels uncomfortable or not. Everybody seems like so excited about the CNY and had totally forgotten tat it was actually Nini’s 1st mth, even the father also like tat. Although we had a celebration earlier last wk, but im a person who pays more attention to the actual day.
Her beautiful smile

The dress seems to be too big for her =P

Little lady bird...