My Birth Story7am: Wake up to pee, cant really slp well.. was very excited.
8am: Getting more and more excited.. shd say.. getting more and more scared. Suddenly, I dun feel like going to see my gynea... dun feel like giving birth, nvr felt so scared in my life >__<, darling laugh at me and said, "Never see you so scared b4." Shit!
1pm: Time to go and see my gynea, I reluctantly drag myself to his clinic.
1.30pm: I went in and my gynea said, "Wah, baby still dun wan to come out ah?" I look at him and smile. He ask me to lie down to check if I've dilated, (It was painfull lor). He said only open 1cm. He gave me 2 choices, one is to induce and the other is to c-sec. We thought for a while and ask about the pros and cons. Seems like both the same. But I've always wanted a natural birth, so I choose to "Induce". He ask me to admit myself to the hospital at 4pm. I came out of his clinic and start calling my friends those who had been thru induce and those who had been thru c-sec.... I just wanted to hear their experience and advice. Lastly, I called Weiling(who has nvr gave birth b4), just wanted to hear her voice when im making decision.
2.30pm: Reach home, bath and get my things ready.
3.30pm: Darling said, "Lets go, Im going to see my princess soon..." Suddenly, i'm having mix feeling, I dun feel like going... and I ask him if I can wait till tmr. He said, "Of course nt.." and he start to make sarcastic remarks like, "wah.. i thought u always very brave one.. now become coward ah.." I got so fastrated and ask him to go admit himself lor. haha.. so bad ah. But.. im so scared. Finally after much persuasion... I picked up my courage and go with him.
4pm: Reach TMC, dunno y.. seems like it only takes 3 mins to reach TMC from Punggol.. wr normally it takes about 20 mins.
4.10pm: Admission done, was told to change my clothes, pee a bottle of urine for them and lie on the observation room bed.
4.15pm: Induction start... The nurse insert some tablet in me through my v, it was damn painful, really feel like giving the nurse a damn hard kick. Darling was not beside me at that time. He was told to wait at the waiting room. Then they start to put the foetus monitoring device on my tummy, supposing to monitor my contraction and baby's heartbeat.
4.30pm: Darling came in and sit beside me. Waiting game starts.
5.15pm: I was send back to my ward. Continue to wait. Felt some contraction.. but still bearable.
6pm: Had some sandwiches and milo given by the hospital. Mild contraction kicks in every 15mins.

8.30pm: Watching Bai Jia Le 3 half way, the nurse came in and told me tat they have to send me down to the observation room again.
8.40pm: Clear my bowels.
9pm: My gynea came in with 2 nurse beside him, ask me to open my leg.. i thought he was going to check if i've dilate or not.. but this time i felt more pain than b4, and then a gush feeling came from below.. then he told me he broke my water bag already. I was thinking.. "wah lao.. nvr tell me first, at least I can get prepared mah." Wah.. the pain was more painfull than my contraction.
9.30pm: The nurse keep changing the blue sheet (suppose to hold the water from my water bag) for me, she said my water bad was like reservior wor ('0'). Contraction kicks in every 5mins. And the nurses continue to monitor my dilation very hour (Tats the part i hate most).
9.45pm: My parents in law came to the hospital, but was not allowed to see me yet, they were to wait at the waiting lounge. I was so stunt when darling told me of their arrival. They must be very eager to see my princess. But darling told them to go back first and wait for his good news. =)
10.15pm: Darling and myself can hear the woman from the next bed groaning in pain.. makes both our hair stands.
08 Jan 2008
12am: Finally, i gave in and ask for epidural. I was then push to the labour ward as the epi has to be done in the labour ward. The epi was indeed a drug from heaven. It was such a relieve after the epi. woohoo.. But I shivered non stop.
1am: In the labour ward, we can both hear the ppl from next door shouting... "123 Push...." and the cries of the baby follows." Darling look at me and said, " When will be our turn ah?"
3.40am: The nurse came in and told me tat my baby's heartbeat was not in satisfaction, and my gynea wanted an emergency c-sec. They ask me to sign some form... and begin to shave me.
3.55am: Push into the operation rm.. and darling was told to change to the green suit b4 he can enter the operation rm. Wen he came in, he saw my gynea already in the mist of operating me.. He than sat down beside me and held my hand tight, I can sense his anxiousness. while the other doctor help to push my baby out.
4.14am: Our princess has arrive! Darling was so happy.. smile until i cannot see his eyes and he's busy taking pictures (At first i thought he wld faint.. bt luckly he did'nt). Wen he carried her to me.. my mind was thinking.. OMG... they are like photocopied. Then the nurse bring both darling and my princess out of the operation room. I started having side effects.. vomited b4 my gynea could sew me up and I was shivering badly. I suddenly feel like im dying.. the feeling was really bad.

5am: They push me back to my ward, on the way, I vomited again.. They took my tempreture and Im really having high fever. vomit continuously and shiver badly. I was put under observation. The nurse came in to take my tempreture and blood pressure every hour. Im not allowed to get down the bed, not allowed to eat also.
6pm: My fever subsided. I was given my first meal.. fish porridge.
11.45pm: My first step down the bed was helped by the nurse.