~Taking care of Nini~
The first nite, my mum, dad, brother and sister stayed over at my house to help us look after Nini. Everything was still ok except we have to wake up a few times at nite to feed her.
Everything started to get tougher from the second nite onwards. Due to lack of slp.. I begin to feel so fustrated.. nite time seems to be a nitemare for me. I cant let darling help me as he need to work the next day. Although my mum will be here in the day to help me, I cant always rely on her.. I kept reminding myself that I must learn to be a good mother, I must learn to be patient. But sometimes, her cries can drive me crazy.. ='(
The first time darling help to change Nini's diaper took him about 15mins, I just sit beside and watch.. keke.. not I dun wan to help.. but I'm still not confident enough. But now, I can proudly announce that I change her and feed her more than her father did. \('0')/