Poor Nini… she has been LSing since Monday.
15th Jun: Normal poo after 7days of constipation.
16th Jun: 12pm – Normal poo
3pm – Normal follow by watery
8pm – Watery
1am – Watery with crying
1.15am – Watery with crying
Send her to Dr Lim, as usual, register the name and u’ll get to see the her in the afternoon. But today Dr Lim is not in, so we will be seeing Dr Tan. We manage to see her at 12.30pm. She told us not to worry, this might be due to some virus infection in the stomach. If no fever, no blood in the stools tat will be fine, otherwise I may need to send her to the hospital. She gave her some medicine to harden the stools and also a “good bacteria” to help her fight the bad bacteria inside her stomach. She also told me that this will last abt 5days to a week, some will last 2 weeks becos of the lactos in the milk also. She advise me to change to Soy milk (which doesn’t contains any lactos) if I feel its getting worse, I may change back to FM when she is better. She also ask me to make sure that Nini has enough of milk and water intake, this is not to let her dehydrate. When we reach home, its about 2pm+, gave her the medicine.. she cry like hell. Now her diarrhea is getting worse, after every feed, she’ll poo.. and its watery. At ard 8pm+, I saw some blood in her stools, spotting type.. I got panic, call darling and darling ask me to call the emergency no tat the Dr gave, I called, the staff manage to get me through Dr Tan, She ask me to monitor her stools again, she said this may happen, sometimes may even get it 4-5 times then 1 time dun hv, sometimes a lot.. the other time little.. like tat its ok but if its getting more and more and getting like Jam, I may need to send her to the hospital immediately. I waited for her next LS, which was abt 40mins, this time was quite a lot.. like jam.. We were all very worried, but we still tink that we shd continue to monitor. Luckly the next LS, only find spotting blood, not as much as the 2nd time. The 3rd day, she LS almost 6 times, twice with blood. And today, she’s slowly getting better, still poo a few times but all soft stools. She’s getting more and more skinny ler. Haiz.. Heart pain..

"Mummy so bad, still make me stand with my wobbly legs"