Her last 6 in 1 jab
Its time for her jab and yes.. it’s the last jab of the 6 in 1. We reach Dr Lim there at the appointed time. As usual, Dr Lim did a check for her, Nini keep starring at her.. I think she’s wondering, “who is this person.. touching me all over.. make me flip here and there, use touch light to shine me, press my stomach and even make me sit on my own..” She started to bian zhui and followed by crying.. haha. Dr Lim confirms tat that is the stranger anxiety. Heehee. And when it is jabby time, darling carried her while I do the distraction job. As the needle poke into her buttock.. she fidget her buttock abit and she didn’t cry. Whee wee.. Nini.. mummy is so proud of u. Dr Lim also confirms tat she can start solids.. e.g cereal, rice cereals.. some fruits etc.
Off we went to buy some in the ntuc. Heehee.. We went to the kiddy palace again, this time is to buy her a walker. Although some professor says its not gd for the little ones to use walkers as this may slow down their ability to walk, I find it quite ok as it can also help to keep her entertained when she is at my mum’s place.

See her tam jiak face

keep aiming on the duck, after tat.. i pluck out the duck.. just in case she swallow it.

Received this from the abborts, with a free bear too. =P