Naughty Nini
She slept at 1230am last nite, which was considered as early already, she normally slp at about 1.30am to 3am. We can finally knock off early today. But just as we step into our sweet dreams.. She started crying. “Oh Shit!!!!” we thought. We look at the clock and it was 2.48am. We tried hard to coax her back to slp but she refused. She keep on fussing.. I noe its not the wind, she just want us to play with her, darling got really angry and he lose his cool. He shouted at her and scolded her. Nini keep quiet for a few seconds and continue crying.. darling shouted at her again, she stop awhile and continued again. Darling thought she wanted milk, so he went to make milk for her, he got so agitated when Nini continued to cry, he then shouted at her again ask her to keep quiet. Although I’m very tired and sleepy.. I feel so heartache. How can she understand you? Even if you ask her to shut up, she would’nt understand at all. I then got up to carry her and I tok to her, she then stop crying. I tried feeding her. She’s sucking but not drinking. I fed her for abt 10mins and realize how come the milk still like the same, I took out from her mouth and indeed its still at 160ml. I tried for another 15mins, but same results.. arrrggghhh!!! darling was already back to his la la land, hearing him snoring… I got more agitated. But I never lose my cool on her. I talked to her, played with her. It was nearly 3.30am, i really cannot take it anymore and I fell asleep with Nini beside me. 7.30am, I was an hour late. Nini woke up too. I called out her name and she gave me a smile like she normally did. I went on to do some washing up and packing, I could hear darling talking nicely to her. Wen its time to go, darling will normally carry her out to the living room and pass it over to me to put her into my sarong sling. Wen darling came out carrying her, he said that Nini is angry with him, she ignored him when he tok to her, dun even wan to look at him and she’ll turn away whenever darling turned to her. I was really surprised. She’s so small and she could understand that her daddy scolded her? We observe awhile and true enough, she’s really giving him a black face, when I carry her and darling tried to tok to her, she look at him and started to bian zhui.. OMG! She can really understand wats going on. Afternoon darling smsed me saying “Morning Nini dun wan tok to me, me very sad lei” I tink he felt really guilty and sad, but to make things worse, I replied, “Serve u right lor, who ask u to shout at her. No patients at all, she noes mummy is the best. Hahaha” Oops.. I’m also very naughty ya.. lol.