Her first swim after birth, we were so happy and excited about it. Was wondering how she’ll react when she’s in the water. We quickly changed her to her swimming costume even b4 we go out, darling and myself couldn’t stop laughing at her. Hahaha. We meet her 小叔 there, and then darling carry her to the water. She didn’t cry but her face was 臭 de lor.. she’s not very happy with it.. we call her, she dun even wan to look at us.. maybe she is curious of the float that she is sitting in. We manage to put her inside for abt 15mins b4 carring her out of the water. Haha.. then.. here comes the joke of the day, the daddy and mummy was so happy till they totally forgot to bring Nini’s clothes for changing… OH SHIT!! The daddy and mummy brought their own clothes instead. LOL. Now we were like hot ants on the pot.. jumping here and there.. cracking their head. And guess wat Nini is doing…. She’s sleeping comfortably with towels wrapped all over her. In the end.. we rushed home with her in her wrapped towels lor. What a stupid mummy and daddy